Bidenomics At Work! Mortgage Rates Hit Almost 8% (Highest Since July 2000 Under Bill Clinton), Deficits This High Usually Occur During Recessions And HIGH Unemployment

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by confoundedinterest17

Joe Biden, who has always been a compulsive liar but at least sounded cognicent, is now babbling and whispering that Bidenomics works. But for who?

Clearly not for first time homebuyers or people looking to move. Bankrate’s 30-year mortgage rate is up to almost 8%, the highest since July 2000 and Willy Slick Clinton. That is a 176% increase in mortgage rates under the most inept “Economic Sheriff” in history.

Deficits? Deficits (which Biden makes outlandish claims) are usually only this big at times of HIGH unemployment and recessions. So, are the staggering deficits under Biden a precursor to a hard landing (recession)? Don’t listen to what Biden or KJP say!!!

See also  Should the Feds Lower Rates?

Biden’s outlandish claims that he single handedly reduced the deficit by the most in history is, well, typical Biden bloviating. Actually, tax receipts soared after Covid lockdowns ended. Period. Now that stimulus is wearing out, deficits are climbing again.