US Unfunded Liabilities Total $217.63 Trillion While TOTAL US National Assets Equal Only $210 Trillion (National Debt Equals $35 Trillion And Growing Awfully Fast!) Unfunded Liabilities 6.23X National Debt!

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by confoundedinterest17

This scene from the film “McCabe and Mrs. Miller” sums up our political plight quite nicley. Politicians spend like crazy to stay in power (Biden/Harris) are excellent examples). Politicians promises endless money, then shoot the economy. The US is broke and relies on printing money and boowed funds to stay afloat. Harris wants to raise taxes on everyone to fund her plans like even MORE emphasis of failed green energy schemes and endless foreign wars. I doubt if Harris could defend her spending plans in light of the US already $35 TRILLION in debt.

See also  This would be top national news in any normal country. Our media is silent.... 'When is enough enough?'

Even more worrisome if thev fact that DC politicians have promised entitlements (Social Security, Medicare, etc. totalling $217.63 Trillion. Or 623% higher than the rapidly increasing national debt.

Biden/Harris raised thr national debt by 25% in less than 4 years. And Harris wants to increase spending! Harris wants illegal immigrants put on Social Security and Medicare, further bankrupting those entitlement programs.

Let’s see Harris explain her indefensible budget (like raising taxes and not hurting economic growth).

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