“If he regains power, Donald Trump wants not only to revive some of the immigration policies criticized as draconian during his presidency, but expand and toughen them.”
“Here are key elements of Trump’s plans:
-Muslim immigration ban. Trump would reinstate a version of a ban he created via executive order, which barred travel to the United States from several Muslim-majority countries — Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Biden nixed the ban on his first day in office.
-Renewed use of health policy to block asylum claims. During his term, Trump restricted asylum claims under the pretense that is was necessary to restrain Covid-19. Next time around, he plans to point to tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.
-Mass deportations. A second Trump administration would search the country for illegal immigrants, with a goal of deporting millions of them every year. This effort would be facilitated by “an enormous expansion of a form of removal that does not require due process hearings,” the Times reports. He would also shift federal agents from other tasks, deputize local cops and National Guard soldiers deployed by Republican governors.
-Huge detention camps. With Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities overwhelmed, Trump would build enormous camps to hold migrants while their cases navigate the system. To create the camps, Trump plans to bypass Congress and redirect Pentagon money to the purpose, much as he did to scrape up money for border wall construction.
-Birthright citizenship clampdown. Trump would seek to terminate the granting of citizenship to babies born to illegal immigrants.
-Expanded ideological screening. Visa applicants would face heightened scrutiny of their views.”