US Intel Agency Wants To Ban Terms ‘Radical Islamists’ and ‘Jihadist’ Because They’re Hurtful

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“The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which is responsible for handling the country’s spy apparatus, seeks to ban a range of common terms because it says they offend Muslims and foment racism against employees. In addition to terms describing Islamic terrorists, ODNI instructs employees to avoid phrases such as “blacklisted,” “cakewalk,” “brown bag,” “grandfathered,” and “sanity check.”

“Blacklisted,” for instance, “implies black is bad and white is good,” while “cakewalk” is said to refer “to a dance performed by slaves for slave owners on plantation grounds.” “Brown bag,” a term most often used to describe a paper bag that holds one’s lunch, actually “refers to the ‘brown bag’ test practices in the 20th century within the African American community,” according to ODNI, which outlined these terms in an internal magazine produced by the agency’s Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility.”

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“The document, which was first reported by the Daily Wire, is the latest example of how Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives inside the American government are reshaping how employees speak to one another and perform their national security jobs. Critics describe these programs as part of a “woke” cultural shift promoted by far-left activists and their allies in the Biden administration. Republicans in Congress are looking to strip millions in federal funding for DEI programs across the military and other agencies, arguing they fundamentally harm the country’s national security operations across the globe.

ODNI did not respond to a request for comment.

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Rep. Jim Banks (R., Ind.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, which oversees the intelligence community, said woke initiatives like the ones laid out in the magazine are “a gift to our adversaries.”

“U.S. intelligence officials are being trained to use terms that don’t ‘disparage’ China or Islamic terrorists,” Banks said. “Wokeness is a gift to our adversaries.””

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