Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) has had a well-deserved rally over the past year as the outright leader in artificial intelligence chips.
How does Nvidia continue to maintain a near-stranglehold on the AI chip market? A big reason has to do with CUDA, its full-stack software library, with software defined kits and proprietary applications that enable developers to program graphics processing units (GPUs) for parallel computing.
Having developed CUDA in 2006, Nvidia has a multiyear head in AI chip programming, having developed a nice network effect over that time. Developers have learned to program GPUs only through CUDA for 15 years, and companies have invested vast sums building their own AI software stacks on top of CUDA.
That 17-year lead would be pretty tough to crack for any potential challenger.
But eight challengers, working together? One such group of tech leaders is taking direct aim at CUDA’s moat and expects to begin breaching it by the end of this year.