New plans for a minimum global rate for big firms will allow foreign nations to pilfer UK and US profits…
If anyone had the slightest doubt that the UK is being run by Globalists…
Relinquishing Tax Law to another world authority is as bad as giving up sterling— Tess Summers 🏴🇮🇪 (@tesssummers98) November 2, 2023
New plans for a minimum global rate for big firms will allow foreign nations to pilfer UK and US profits
The international plan for a global minimum tax on multinational firms – under the OECD’s so-called Pillar 2 – is destructive for both the US and the UK. We have been among the most outspoken members of our respective legislatures on this flawed policy, but the OECD and many countries continue to pursue a global minimum tax in an effort to pad their coffers with US and UK tax revenues…
‘Imagine two businesses in the same town – one successful and the other struggling. It would be irrational to allow the struggling firm to unilaterally decide that the successful business was making too much profit and force it to transfer some of that revenue into its own account. But that is essentially what the UTPR does: it transfers wealth from our countries into the accounts of others under the guise of fairness’