by Chris Black
You can’t own a slice of a stock.
ETFs don’t grant ownership of anything.
When an online Fintech says you own a piece of Bitcoin, you really don’t.
A real share of stock requires signatures to transfer ownership.
All the day trading high frequency BS is just unregistered trades to influence the price of a real asset.
It would take humans a few hundred thousand years to actually clear just the last three years worth of high frequency trades.
Nobody actually keeps a hypothecated share long enough to give enough time to transfer ownership.
Essentially your brokerage account is just a Ponzi using other people’s cash to pay you an IOU.
None of this is real.
That is why when the music stops, nobody gets paid.
The real money doesn’t exist to make 1% of the “investors” whole.
If everyone decided to cash out of NVIDIA, where does the $2 trillion come from to pay for the shares?
Let alone the near $8 trillion to cash out Apple, Microsoft, and Google.