‘Mystery company’ buys nearly 800million of land near California Travis Air Force base

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Nearly $1 billion in land purchases by a mysterious company near a California Air Force base is raising national security concerns.

A group called “Flannery Associates” has invested more than $800 million on almost 54,000 acres of land surrounding the Travis Air Force Base since 2018, zoned for agricultural use, public records show.

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Legal representation for Flannery says the group is controlled by U.S. citizens, with 97% of its capital coming from U.S.-based investors.

But after eight months of investigation, federal officials can’t confirm or deny this to be true and have not been able to determine exactly who is backing the company.

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This so-called “mystery company” has been ramping up its purchases since the beginning of the year, prompting a federal investigation into its intentions. It is still unclear what Flannery’s purpose is for investing in land near the base.
