Jim Jordan says Congress should just forget about immigration and the border, take a break and go home until the next session

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The day after the bipartisan compromise on border policy and security aid was unveiled, one Republican after another lined up to announce their opposition. A few hours ago, they were joined by Sen. John Barrasso — the No. 3 Republican in the chamber, and the highest-ranking GOP leader to reject the legislative deal.

“Americans will turn to the upcoming election to end the border crisis,” the Wyoming senator said in a written statement.

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House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan made a similar comment during an appearance on Fox Business:

Let’s say ‘timeout’ and then let the American people decide how we want to deal with this in November, when we have President Trump … against President Biden. Let the country decide.

In other words, as far as the Ohio Republican is concerned, Congress shouldn’t just reject the bipartisan compromise, Jordan believes lawmakers should take a timeout for the remainder of the legislative session, ceasing all work on matters related to immigration and border policy.

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To hear Jordan tell it, the responsible course of action is for elected lawmakers to simply stop working, roughly halfway through the current Congress, on an issue that he and his party believe is critically important.
