Housing inflation underestimation compounds affordability crisis, impacting real estate market.

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Recent revelations have shed light on a startling reality: Housing inflation is grossly underestimated by official metrics. The government’s methodology, particularly changes made in 1983 in measuring housing inflation, paints a misleading picture. Instead of utilizing real-world data, the government relies on proxies, potentially skewing inflation numbers downward.

This discrepancy is further exacerbated by the staggering rise in median mortgage payments for homebuyers, surging by a whopping 78% over the past three years. This surge in housing costs has priced many aspiring homeowners out of the market, exacerbating the affordability crisis.

The underestimation of housing inflation and soaring mortgage payments have profound implications for the real estate market. As housing becomes increasingly unaffordable, demand from potential homebuyers dwindles. Two pivotal factors influencing affordability are mortgage interest rates and home prices.

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In recent years, the Federal Reserve’s endeavors to curb inflation have led to a sharp rise in interest rates. Meanwhile, home prices have soared to unprecedented levels, albeit showing signs of tapering off.

It’s crucial to recognize that the challenges of housing affordability extend beyond the United States, resonating globally in countries like Canada, Germany, and Australia.

The disparity between official inflation metrics and the reality of housing costs underscores a pressing issue: the housing affordability crisis.

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