Funny how those radical and violence advocating arseholes don’t get shut down…

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Antifa to hold recruitment and radicalization event in Portland park this weekend

Organizers invited people to “redecorate” and bring a “fash banner or flag [they’ve] liberated but haven’t burned yet.”

Members of Antifa are gearing up to host a “radicalization & recruiting event” in Portland, Oregon this weekend. The “Fash Free Festival” is set to take place Saturday afternoon at Colonel Summers Park in the city’s eastern district.

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Organizers have invited fellow activists to “wear a mask and stay a while,” tempting them with promises of free black bloc clothing, zines, and other far-left propaganda.

The group celebrated the violent attack perpetrated by Antifa members on Andy Ngo that resulted in a brain injury, urging attendees to celebrate a recent court ruling that found two activists not liable.

At one point while the trial was ongoing, the account promoting the event told people to “get yer cement milkshakes and head downtown.”

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