Education Warfare: Asian American Students Dominate NYC Specialized Schools Because Their Parents Haven’t Been Infected by Woke

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On June 1st, Stuyvesant High School released its admissions data. Seven black students got into Stuyvesant out of 762 offers. Those pro “equity” and anti-meritocracy screamed racism. It’s a lie.

After examining the data, three things become clear. First, those screaming racism are racist towards Asians – and Native Americans who fared worse than blacks in terms of placement and received zero attention. Second, that they want to hobble the only “free” (taxpayer funded) education that works. Third, that they have no desire to help the black and brown kids get a solid education.

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Of Stuyvesant’s 762 offers, 489 went to Asians, 158 went to whites, 51 went to those who didn’t identify, 36 went to multi-racial, 20 went to Hispanics (referred to as “Latinx”), 7 went to black, and 1 went to a Native American.

Anyone with genuine concern for the lack of black kids accepted into specialized schools should ask this question; what are Asian Americans doing differently that makes them academically superior? The answer, rarely asked, provides some hard truths. Asian American kids work hard – from the beginning. Culturally, Asian parents are demanding. They set clear standards for their children to meet and hold them responsible in a two way street of accountability. This work ethic demands habits that keep children on the straight and narrow; no drugs, no tomfoolery, no skipping school, no criminalizing, no civil disobedience, and no tolerance for disrespect towards elders, including parents and teachers.

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