DOJ Inspector General Report PROVES – Merrick Garland Illegally SPIED on Kash Patel

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IG finds Justice Department spied on Patel and other congressional staffer without telling courts

This is just documented proof that higher up people in the Biden Administration need to be convicted of crimes.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz found that the Justice Department, in filings with the court, did not reference “the fact that they related to requests for records of Members of Congress or congressional staffers,” despite implicating constitutional separation of powers between two government branches.

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…the government successfully asked a federal court to hide its spying on Congress for five consecutive years.

…the DOJ illegally obtained phone records from two members of Congress and 43 staff members.

The DOJ was trying to find dirt on the people who were investigating the DOJ.

If DOJ used its law enforcement tools to snoop on Mr. Nunes, that would be an abuse of power. One subpoena target was Kash Patel, who was senior counsel on the Intel Committee. The other unidentified target was reported by Just The News to be an investigator who helped draft the findings of FBI abuse.

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In both cases, the subpoenas demanded account details, addresses, telephone records, duration and session times, and billing records. One question is whether subpoenas were also sent to companies other than Google.

h/t Gypo O’Leary