“Among younger voters in the 18-39 age group, Biden is up only by a single point: 43 percent to 42 percent.
With all five candidates competing, the numbers still look terrible for Biden.
Joe (“Old Yeller”) Biden earned only 44 percent of the black vote, 29 percent of the Hispanic vote, and 37 percent of the 18-39 vote. Trump won 26 percent of the black vote, 48 percent of the Hispanic vote (+19 over Biden), and 37 percent of the 18-39 vote.
Rasmussen Reports surveyed 1,099 likely voters between March 31 and April 2 and found no change from their poll in early March, which showed Trump with the same eight-point lead, 49 to 41 percent.”
“Democrat fundraiser John Morgan said his party is “prepared to lose” the presidential election to Trump. Morgan, a very successful lawyer from Central Florida, added he is nervous about President Joe Biden’s current political position.
“As my great-grandfather used to say, ‘I’m as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.’ Yes, hell yes,” Morgan told the Washington Post. “We all know this is a jump ball,” he said. “In 2016, we were reading Nate Silver, and we weren’t worried at all. When we woke up, we realized we’ve never been to Wisconsin and we’ve never been to Michigan and then all the Monday-morning quarterbacks are out.””