Blackrock Abandoning ESG?

Sharing is Caring!

by Chris Black

Clown world never disappoints.

Silly goys…

See also  BlackRock offloading real estate at a loss

FYI, BlacKRock et al buy just enough shares to get spots on executive boards, they than vote in ESG.

He’s only ashamed he got caught, this is just a talmudic word game. 

He will call it something else, wait for this to die down, then immediately resume operations.

Why do corporations comply with ESG you asked?

Because BlackRock and friends give them money/anything they want based on ESG scores.

See also  BlackRock hits $11.5 trillion, profiting from every part of your life.

At the same time though, BlackRock et al put shorts on their stocks (all of these companies are publicly traded) and when they go woke (broke) BlackRocks makes a ton of money, as their stock values plummet.

Lather, rinse, repeat until they have more money than most countries