An 85-year-old woman defends herself against an armed intruder using a .357 handgun.

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The review said Condon placed Jenneiahn in handcuffs and took her into her living room.

“Subsequent investigation indicates a strong likelihood that Condon struck Jenneiahn in the head as she lay in her bed,” it said. There was blood on the pillow and floor in her room where she had been sleeping.

Jenneiahn said he had hit her in the head at some point during the incident, but she was unsure of exactly when it happened.

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After taking her at gunpoint into the living room, Condon handcuffed her to a wooden chair. He asked her where the valuables were kept and put his pistol against her head after she told him she didn’t have much, the review said.
He threatened to kill her

She told Condon that there were two safes downstairs in the home. He left Jenneiahn handcuffed in the living room. He went downstairs multiple times and rummaged through several rooms.

Eventually, Condon discovered that Jenneiahn’s son was in the home and got angry at her for not telling him. He made multiple threats and told her that he “would kill her,” the review revealed.