AMC has a terrible business model.

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by Iamooble

In my honest opinion I see AMC as a parasite with a horrible business model. Every AMC I’ve been to across the states is nothing more than a parasite.

Not only are actual AMC theaters deteriorating in quality due to shitty management, but they are in horrible areas 9/10 times.

How has this happened?

The death of brick and mortar stores and American malls has left AMC theaters the only building left standing in some of the most horrible maintained empty strip malls possible.

Their original buildings are almost always situated on hard to access stroads. Not to mention the shitty environment only breed shittier management.

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The only reason they are hanging by a thread is publicity from their promotional items, and their absorption of small theaters.

However they are spreading themselves thin, nearly every well performing theater in a 50 mile radius of me has been absorbed by AMC. They’ve completely ruined cinemas, rather than just deciding to purchase the cinemas under the AMC brand or as a subsidiary. They’ve completely rebranded every theater as a fully AMC theater, changing staff, entire menus, signs, etc. I mean spending easily hundreds of thousands just to renovate. Not to mention renovating modern theaters which didn’t need renovation.

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My most local theater was a hub for the community, when AMC bought the building they literally put the menu monitors roughly 10+ ft up on a wall, despite the theater having already had modern amenities. Brand new digital signage for theater rooms were removed for no reason. Etc etc. and this goes for nearly every location they have purchased.

They’re literally burning money as they destroy local cinemas and their own ticket sales by making the theaters they purchase and own even more miserable to be in.