Anyone else wondering why out of all the days they could have chosen, CERN chose to restart the Large Hadron Collider during the Solar Eclipse on April 8th?
— Champagne Joshi (@JoshWalkos) April 2, 2024
CERN LHC Large Hadron Collider To Fire Up During Solar Eclipse On April 8
“CERN to test world’s most powerful particle accelerator during April’s solar eclipse to search for ‘invisible’ matter that secretly powers our universe”
“The world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator is set smash protons together on April 8 to search for invisible particles secretly powering our universe.“
“The LHC will continue the experiment until later this year when it will then be put under a long hibernation for CERN to transform it into the next version – the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC).”
h/t WindyCityRiot