Where Has All The GDP Gone? US Q3 Real GDP Revised Upwards To 5.2%! But Real Hourly Earnings Only 0.6% YoY (Home Prices Hit All-time High)

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by confoundedinterest17

Where has all the GDP gone? Not to wages.

As expected, Q3 Real GDP was revised upwards to 5.2% annualized. Of course, this shatters JKP’s talking points that Biden inherited a train wreck of an economy from Trump. Q3 2020 Real GDP grew at over 30%.

And on a year-over-year (YoY) basis, US real GDP grew at 3.0% in Q3. Unfortunately, real hourly compensation grew at a measly 0.6% YoY.

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Meanwhile, home prices have hit an all-time high. Too bad real wages are so low.

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