Poll: 17% of Biden Voters Would Have Abandoned Him if They Knew About Stories the Media Censored
As many as 17 percent of those who voted for Democrat Joe Biden might have chosen differently at the polls, had they been given fair media coverage of the candidates in the weeks leading up to the election, according to a report.
Alleged election malfeasance aside, the establishment media, as expected, played a large part in interfering with the 2020 election, as was concluded by Newbusters.
BREAKING: New poll from @theMRC shows 17 percent of Biden voters would have avoided picking Biden if they knew of stories the media suppressed:t.co/K8cYAl81UE
— NewsBusters (@newsbusters) November 24, 2020
Their censorship of Biden’s scandalous campaign outraged conservatives and proponents for media transparency.