‘We’re Tired’: Anti-Trump Liberals Are Burning Out, Can’t Muster Up Motivation to Protest Anymore

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Unhappy with the election results? This time, don’t count on an army of angry women in pink knit caps marching down the streets of America’s major cities to provide you succor.

Because, according to The New York Times, it turns out white-hot, inchoate rage eventually burns out — even if it takes eight or so years to fully extinguish.

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An article from last Wednesday’s Times — one of the two official organs of the #Resistance, along with The Washington “Democracy Dies in Darkness” Post — pretty much summed up the mood in the headline: “‘Get Somebody Else to Do It’: Trump Resistance Encounters Fatigue.”

Yes, there are still holdouts, reporter Katie Brenner noted: “In the days after Donald J. Trump’s electoral victory, thousands of people revived the grass-roots movement that opposed his first term in office.

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