Keep in mind they’re assembled in Mexico, and the Japanese Yen is it’s lowest compared to the dollar since 1990.
Always a pleasure joining the incomparable @LizMacDonaldFOX on @EveningEdit, this time discussing the Biden admin's proposed tax hikes, inflation, skyrocketing interest on the debt, bond markets, and more:
— E.J. Antoni, Ph.D. (@RealEJAntoni) April 30, 2024
This cost of living crisis is INSANE:
"So you're telling me I'm going to work 1 hour to afford a block of cheese?"
"What the ph*ck is going on?"
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) April 30, 2024
US Savings rate* dropped in March to a DEPRESSING 3.2%.
This is almost 6 percentage points below the 1929-2019 average.
*% of disposable personal income that people save.
What's happening with the US consumers?
Read the full analysis under below link👇— Global Markets Investor (@GlobalMktObserv) April 30, 2024