Video: TSA Officers Steal from Passengers at Florida Airport

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by Chris Black

Well, it’s a certain type of TSA officers, if you catch my drift.

Very vibrant and diverse type I mean.

Just like the “youths” robbing malls et al because of slavery or whatever.

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What can I say?

Diversity is the TSA’s greatest strength.

Without it, our airports will not survive.

New York Post:

Newly released surveillance footage captured the moment two TSA officers allegedly stole at least $600 in cash and other items from unsuspecting passengers’ luggage at a Florida airport.

Josue Gonzalez, 20, and Labarrius Williams, 33, were caught on camera as they allegedly rummaged through the bags of travelers waiting to go through the scanner at Checkpoint E at Miami International Airport in June.

This is third-world-tier behavior.

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Or maybe I am offending 3rd world countries, who knows.

I mean, in the third world, if airport security was stealing from people’s bags, they’d all be executed.