US Fiscal Inferno! US Government Debt Now Bigger Than US Economy, But Unfunded Liabilities (Promises) Are $632k Per Citizen (As California’s Governor Newsom Gives Away Free Healthcare To Illegal Immigrants)

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by confoundedinterest17

Yes, the US is engulfed in a fiscal inferno!

US government debt is now bigger than the US economy. This was unseen until 2012 when debt surpassed GDP for the first time.

In addition to almost $34 trillion in debt from our crazy spending, out-of-control government, we are on the hook for almost $213 TRILLION in unfunded liabilites (promises made to Americans that will likely not be honored).

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The sad thing about the US Debt Clock summary is the $632,195 share per citizen of unfunded liabilties. That raises two questions. First, how can California’s Ken doll Governor Gavin “Greasy” Newsom give away free healthcare to ALL illegal immigrants? Second, since the invasion of illegal immigrants began under Biden/Mayorkas, will they be on the hook for the unfunded liabilities which they disordinately consume? Not likely. Maybe we should charge each illegal immigrant $632k admission fee.

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California’s Ken doll Governor and fiscal imbecile Gavin Newsom.


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