US AIR FORCE asking retired Pilots, Air Controllers, Nuclear Missile Operations, and other Special Duty Veterans to return to active duty

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Most of you have probably seen the Military’s recruiting goals are falling short month after month –

But just announced, they are asking specifically for Battle Sapce Air Force Veterans to return to service. First on the List is Pilots, and then battle space controllers.

Everyone knows PILOT is the most sought after role in the Air Force. Very Exclusive. One role, they never have a problem lining up candidates

But the training is long and intense. You must have a 4 year degree to become an officer before you get anywhere close to flight school.

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So why are they seeking Veteran Pilots to return? They must not have time to train new ones. Must be imminent action if you ask me.

Notice the knowledge areas they want.
Mostly highly educated white people jobs.

Missile Operations
14X – Information Operations/Intelligence
15X – Operations Analysis and Weather
16X – Operations Support
17X – Cyber Operations
18X – Remotely Piloted Aircraft
19Z – Special Warfare
21X – Logistics
31P – Security Forces
32E – Civil Engineering
35P – Public Affairs
38F – Force Support Officer
61X – Scientific/Research
62X –Developmental Engineering
63X – Acquisition
64P – Contracting
65X – Finance
71S – Special Investigation
Retired enlisted applicants are limited to members retired in the grade of staff sergeant through senior master sergeant. While all members that meet eligibility may apply, the following AFSCs are being targeted:

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1C171 – Air Traffic Control
2G071 – Logistics Plans
2T377 – Fleet Management & Analysis
3F071 – Personnel
3P071 – Security Forces
4A271 – Biomedical Equipment
4E071 – Public Health
4N071 – Aerospace Medical Service
4R071 – Diagnostic Imaging
7S071 – Special Investigations
8R000/8R200 – Recruiter(s)

h/t Rufus Juice

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