University of Virginia Spends $20 Million On 235 DEI Employees, With Some Making $587,340 Per Year.

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“The University of Virginia (UVA) has at least 235 employees under its ‘diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)’ banner — including 82 students — whose total cost of employment is estimated at $20 million. That’s $15 million in cash compensation plus an additional 30-percent for the annual cost of their benefits.”

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That’s $1,000/year/student. Soon adds up. What fraction of the annual cost-of-attendance is actually spent on quality education, I wonder? Gonna guess 40-45%, or even less. DEI of $1,000 per, plus the deadweight of most ‘Administrators’, plus the added deadweight of all the joke ‘professors’ (of critical theory, intersectionality, gender studies and so forth). How hard is it, really, to run a good university at a reasonable cost?

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h/t Fred Hayek

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