German Cops Raid Home of 14 Year old who posted : “Everything for Germany”

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German police raid home of 14-year-old boy for posting banned hashtag

German police raided the home of a 14-year-old boy in Bavaria after he allegedly posted the hashtag #AllesFürDeutschland, which translates in English to “Everything for Germany.”

The police stated that the term is a symbol used by an unconstitutional organization, which violates Section 86a of the German criminal code.

See also  Kristi Noem — We are cancelling all funding to NGOs who facilitate illegal immigration.

The search warrant describes the police raid as “proportionate and “appropriate for the seriousness of the crime”…

The teen in question, however, has said that he did not know the term “Everything for Germany” was banned under the German criminal code.

Police are increasingly raiding homes in Germany over insults directed at politicians and speech violations

…Germany’s left is looking to increase penalties and empower prosecutors to go after those who insult politicians.

This is what Obama/Biden had planned for us here.

h/t Gypo O’Leary