Ukraine intends on drafting 500k+ more citizens. Citizens abroad who dodge will have assets frozen.

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Ukraine’s plan to conscript 500,000 citizens is troubling. The parliament’s ban on opposition parties and authorization of bank account seizures is alarming. Adding to the concern, Ukrainians abroad face asset freezes. The forced linkage of financial assets to smartphones through the DIIA app, courtesy of the US State Dept, exacerbates the erosion of personal freedoms. A critical situation demanding attention.


The World Economic Forum (WEF) recently announced that, along with Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation, it will establish a GovTech Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR) in Ukraine to advance the nation’s role as the esteemed leader in the digitization of the global economy. That’s no small announcement. The WEF press release, dated January 18, 2024, praised Ukraine, remarking that—thanks to its U.S.-funded Diia app allowing Ukrainians to “access essential documents and government services”—it is the first country in the world to have a digital ID system that can be used nationwide.

Overlapping with the WEF news, USAID—the U.S. agency behind the implementation of Diia—declared that it intends to provide at least $650,000 to collaborate with Ukraine to bring its digital triumph to other “partner countries” who seek to accelerate their own digital transformation. Indeed, USAID’s funding in Ukraine is extensive—it provided funding to the Ukrainian government to develop Diia and has allocated another $8.5 million to help expand the app’s services during its war with Russia.

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The move is a huge step forward in the WEF’s plans for a new dystopian future where, from birth, individuals must participate in a monitored social contract between governments, businesses, and citizens to live day to day. For those unaware that this scheme will control every aspect of daily life—it’s time to wake up. Think Hunger Games. Klaus Schwab’s beloved Fourth Industrial Revolution—which he peddles as a “holistic, well-intended progression that humanity must make for the greater good” is the exact opposite. The scheme is the criminal billionaire deep state’s Great Reset that fuses digital, physical, and biological systems into one, altogether blurring the lines between physical and digital realities. And can bring civilization to a screeching halt at any given moment. To quote Schwab, “It doesn’t change what we are doing, but it changes us.

h/t LoneStarRising