UK reaffirms arms sales to Israel despite outcry over airstrikes, humanitarian crisis.

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Once again, the UK government shamelessly backs arms sales to Israel, fueling outrage amidst airstrikes and humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Despite mounting pressure, their review finds no reason to halt export licenses.

Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron has confirmed that UK arms sales to Israel will not be suspended.

The announcement follows mounting pressure on the government over its weapons trade with Israel, after an air strike which killed aid workers and the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Ministers have been asked whether legal advice deems Israel to have breached international humanitarian law.

If proved, it could ultimately bar arms sales from the UK.

On 8 March, Lord Cameron said he would get new advice on the issue “in the coming days”.

Earlier on Tuesday, at a State Department news conference in Washington, the BBC asked Lord Cameron why, a month later, there had still been no announcement on a decision. He confirmed he had now reviewed the “most recent advice” about Israeli conduct, saying: “The latest assessment leaves our position on export licences unchanged.”

Lord Cameron said: “Let me be clear, though, we continue to have to have grave concerns around the humanitarian access issue in Gaza, both for the period that was assessed and subsequently.

“So far, no like-minded countries have taken the decision to suspend existing arms export licences to Israel and I’d add that Israel remains a vital defensive security partner to the UK,” he added.

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