by Chris Black
Whatever anyone thought of Gonzalo Lira as a person, we should recognize the obvious reality here:
The DC regime left Gonzalo to die in Ukraine because he was on the wrong side of the issue, simple as that.
Brittany Griner, a total embarrassment to our country and an outspoken America-hater, was a top priority.
We don’t have to “imagine if…” because we saw it with our own eyes.
Claims about “war crimes” or “Russian spying” are unfounded; Gonzalo Lira was charged under a Ukrainian statute passed specifically to quell such dissent, and was left to die by the US State Department.
They would do the same to you and yours, no question about it.
If you’re even reading this post, the DC regime (or whichever Western government you live under) would likely consider you a “domestic extremist.”
Put your personal beefs and grudges aside and recognize that this is no different from Doug Mackey, J6ers, or anyone else that DC has abused on political grounds.
Also: I knew Gonzalo for years before the war. He was not a “sex tourist” as some have claimed, but rather had a wife and children in the culturally-russian part of the country.
This was why he lived part-time in Kharkov.
It’s also why he ran the “Coach Red Pill” persona some years ago, a name that was cringe-worthy by his own admission.
Although the “CRP” channel has been described in the press as a “dating coach” or “self-help” business, the videos mostly consisted of fatherly advice offered by an older man to younger men.
Gonzalo recognized that he had his children rather late in life, and that by the time his son was a grown man, GL himself would be either very old or dead.
You can watch some of the CRP material at this YT channel, where someone has kindly archived many of the videos:
This two-parter is a favorite of mine:
The Older You Get, the More You Understand
The More You Understand, the Less You Forgive
This case is really important, because the US did basically murder a US citizen because they didn’t like his politics.
We keep saying “US citizen” as if he was foreign born, but the situation is that his parents were from Chile and he was born in the US.
So he was American born.