They Are Definitely Preparing for a Major War

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by Chris Black

The US Navy is lowering requirements to ridiculous levels, now accepting literal retards who flunked out of high school.

The rush to get white males (as well as anyone else they can find) into the military as quickly as possible has led many to suggest we are headed for some kind of major and serious war.

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However, if they want to fight a serious war with China and/or Russia, they would need a draft.

And it would be a much more serious draft than Vietnam. It would be a World War II style draft.

And that doesn’t begin to touch on the “readiness,” which relates to both training, strategic and tactical preparation, and not only restocking all of the stocks that have gone unattended over the last 30-40 years, but developing all kinds of new technologies to deal with the current reality of modern warfare.

But I do not believe there is really any possibility that the US military is ever going to be capable of fighting this war that, by all appearances, it is planning to fight.

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New York Post:

The US Navy is starting to enlist individuals who didn’t graduate from high school or get a GED, marking the second time in about a year that the service has opened the door to lower-performing recruits as it struggles to meet enlistment goals.

The decision follows a move in December 2022 to bring in a larger number of recruits who score very low on the Armed Services Qualification Test.

Both are fairly rare steps that the other military services largely avoid or limit, even though they are all finding it increasingly difficult to attract the dwindling number of young people who can meet the military’s physical, mental and moral standards.

Under the new plan, Navy recruits without an education credential will be able to join as long as they score 50 or above on the qualification test, which is out of 99.

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