The World Has Gotten Too Insane

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by Chris Black

Compare 2023 with 4 years ago.

Imagine somebody telling you in 2019, what would happen within the next 4 years.

The scamdemic, BLM, Ukraine, Israel…

Things of that magnitude used to happen maybe every 10 to 15 years, now they happen every 2 years.

The people in the streets look absolutely defeated and dead inside.

Everybody’s on edge, and ready to explode like a ticking time bomb.

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Everything is hyper politicized. Everything and everyone has an agenda.

Harmless escapism isn’t viable anymore, as everything is subverted by some kind of agenda.

People don’t act normal anymore. Everyone seems off.

Compare the current day with 10 years ago, just watch a video of people interacting with each other, from 10 years ago, it seems like a distant alien world.

Everybody is constantly screaming into the void, there’s no civil debate anymore.

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Remember when every single niche group of people didn’t hate each others guts to the death, and nobody really gave a f*ck about politics or the culture wars?

Will we ever go back to a normal time, where people mostly get along, despite their differences?

It was possible in the 2000s.

And when do you think stuff REALLY went downhill?

2001? 2008? 2012? 2016? 2020?