by Chris Black
The US Chamber of Commerce, one of the most pro-immigration and anti-White organizations in the country, has just published this article ( complaining about American workers and begging for significantly higher levels of immigration.
In the piece, which focuses on ‘small business, a gentleman who owns a company which ships high-performance hay complains:
“It’s a hard job. You’re unloading 100-pound bales of hay in Arizona in the summer in a metal barn. It might be 120 degrees. It’s just tough to find people willing to do that … For the most part, Americans don’t apply for these sorts of jobs.”
What goes unsaid by the Chamber of Commerce in this piece, which slanders Whites as lazy and unwilling workers (an old trope by this point), is that agricultural workers in the United States have a median wage of just 29,680 dollars.
This wage is 57% lower than the average median income for a White household.
Agricultural workers are not entitled to overtime pay in most states.
There is also no Federally protected right for farm workers to organize (, as they were deliberately excluded from the National Labor Relations Act.
Whites are not lazy.
Whites make up the majority of steel and sheet metal workers (, miners, electricians, cement masons, mechanics and work in many other demanding fields.
What Whites are unwilling to do is work in industries which lack the labor, wage, and social protections which their ancestors fought so hard for in the past.