The Great Con Continues

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by Chris Black

Trump signed off on the two weeks to slow the spread, believing that this was key to allowing the hospitals and the country to prepare.

Most Americans agreed.

He then went on TV and said that he wanted the country opened up by Easter.

By the time he said that, the governors and the DNC had already colluded to steal the election.

We weren’t going back to normal and opening up the country, we were going further down the pit of hell.

We would be locked down until Trump was gone.

Trump was no longer president and no longer had any authority in March of 2020.

He stupidly conceded his power to Fauci and Birx, who worked for the committee who had already decided to end Trump at all cost.

For some reason, CNN went after Lord Fauci.

This is as we are apparently in the run-up to another major virus hoax.

If I were to try to analyze this, I would say they are going to throw Fauci under the bus, say he did everything wrong, and then say “but we’re going to do it right this time,” and then do everything Fauci did.

There was even the press conference when one of the speakers, I can’t remember which, actually said that COVID was a live exercise.

Just like what was planned to follow the virtual pandemic simulation in November/December of 2019.

You can hear Trump say, “You should have told us.”

The Covid Con was planned long before Trump.

It was supposed to be Hillary and during her third year covid was supposed to happen in 2019 and allow her to declare martial law to combat the “virus”.

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The 2020 election would have been canceled, the nonconforming deplorables would have been shipped off to the FEMA camps.

Coup Complete.

Remember the rise of the Female Steve Jobs, the Edison Machine that could test for hundreds of diseases from a single drop of blood?

A machine later found to be completely worthless, created by a total fraud.

She was a useful fraud though, completely built out of nothing with the help of the board of Theranos,. which read like a roll call of The Council on Foreign Relations.

The WHO would have declared the Edison machine the gold standard for testing for Covid, as they were already sent all over the world.

A simple prick of the finger and you’d instantly know that you had Covid.

The test would have been 100% fake, but everyone would believe.

When you look at the timeline, you see that Trump screwed up that plan.

Walgreens started using the machine and found it was useless.

Theranos fell apart and poor useless Elizabeth Holmes took the fall.

We found out that she was completely insane.

A good choice as your patsy.

They needed something else and quickly chose the PCR test.

Fauci and his handlers killed Kary Mullis and perverted his test into the new standard to find their fake disease, knowing that if they kicked up the cycles, the test could find anything that is supposedly there.

You don’t need everyone to be in on the conspiracy to advance it.

Many of those working to advance the agenda believe they are doing honest work, like people at the test labs and working in hospitals.

They are just doing their jobs, following protocols dictated by the masters, just too stupid to see through it.

Why do you think they affirmative action’d the medical industry into oblivion?

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We got a small reprieve from the covid-con, but the rise of Babylon means we continue down the pit of hell.

There was that Satan worshiping Brad Pitt movie last year. What was it called?


Not a coincidence.


The sooner America realizes that Fauci and his merry agencies were nothing but Pharmafia criminal stooges, the sooner we can fix this.


1) Disband the criminal CDC and FDA

2) Create a new regulatory agency if needed but prohibit the revolving door policies that allow these organizations to be co-opted by those they are supposed to regulate.

3) Make it illegal to mandate any medical treatment for anyone, ever again.

4) Allow all citizens to control their own health care with their personal physician, in full confidentiality.

5) Destroy the evil triad created by the medical profession, insurance companies and Big Pharmafia. Healthcare costs are INSANE, we need to rein this in by prohibiting the anti-competitive, monopolistic practices that allow this insanity to flourish. Start by implementing single-payer solutions that allow affordable health care and better preventative maintenance for human beings.

6) Remove the poisons put into our food by the agro industry and food conglomerates.

7) Prohibit ANY mass advertising by Big Pharmafia.

Imprison the assholes that let this happen or bankrupt them into oblivion.

We know who they are. I can’t believe they still dare to show their faces in public.

And I could go on…