The DC Appeals Court has ruled that Trump can face a lawsuit for ‘inciting January 6th.’ Eric Swalwell and other are taking legal action against Trump.

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Trump didn’t incite anyone to do anything illegal or violent. He told people who where going to the rally at the capitol to stay peaceful. The crowd had been infiltrated by people who were not the normal Republicans that he got at his rallies. There was never any violence at his rallies and no reason to expect any. When was the last Republican rally that turned into a riot. The best excuse the capitol police and DC police for their botched crowd control was they didn’t expect Republicans to riot either.


The only evidence of someone inciting a riot was Ray Epps telling people to go into the capitol. They many have been other bad actors like him who had a plan to start a riot but most people were not expecting that. Trump authorized 10-20,000 national guard troops but the mayor of DC didn’t think they were needed,. They didn’t expect a group of Republicans to riot. They didn’t think they even needed to do standard crowd control. The bad actors came with a plan to cause trouble and they were dressed and equipped like Antifa. They had tools for smashing windows and helmets. They had their plans before Trump gave his speech. Most of them did not go to Trump’s speech.

Trump gave his opinion on the election based on the information he got from campaign officials and his lawyers. Republican observers where blocked from observing the votes being counted.His opinion that the election was stolen is shared by half the country and much of the world. You can’t sue him for that.

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Trump can be sued for ‘inciting January 6th’ according to DC Appeals Court.

Donald Trump can be sued over claims that he incited violence on Jan. 6, 2021, an appeals court ruled Friday, rejecting the former president’s argument that he is entirely immune from being held liable for incendiary remarks that preceded the attack on the Capitol.

The three-judge panel concluded that Trump’s actions as a candidate for president would not automatically be protected by “presidential immunity,” turning aside Trump’s sweeping argument that nearly all speech and conduct by an incumbent president should be shielded from lawsuits, including several brought by members of Congress and injured police officers.

“When a first-term President opts to seek a second term, his campaign to win re-election is not an official presidential act,” wrote Chief Judge Sri Srinivasan of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. “The Office of the Presidency as an institution is agnostic about who will occupy it next. And campaigning to gain that office is not an official act of the office.”

Eric Swalwell and others are suing Trump.

A federal appeals court mulling Donald Trump’s legal liability for Jan. 6 violence is approaching a conspicuous anniversary of inaction.

Nearly a year ago, the court considered three lawsuits brought by Capitol Police officers and members of Congress accusing Trump and his allies of inciting the attack that threatened their lives and the government they were sworn to protect.

But their efforts to hold Trump accountable have languished. The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals typically decides cases within four months of oral arguments, but the trio of Trump lawsuits has been sitting on the court’s docket with no ruling since they were argued last December.

“I am surprised how long it’s taking. The delay does seem unusual, but I’m hopeful we’ll get a decision,” said Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), who filed one of the three lawsuits two months after the Jan. 6 attack.

Prominent Attorney Nuked NY AGs Civil Case Against Trump

George Washington University law professor Dr. Jonathan Turley called the demands by New York Attorney General Letitia James “breathtaking” in the civil case against Donald Trump, his family, and his organization.

Larry Kudlow spoke with Professor Turley on Fox Business. Turley told the host that, despite Deutsche Bank supporting Donald Trump’s case, James wants to fine him hundreds of millions of dollars.


h/t andrew