Amidst the controversy surrounding President Biden’s alleged involvement, the focus shifts to the Department of Justice (DOJ), raising concerns of a long-standing pattern of interference and cover-ups. The recent refusal by the FBI to allow Congress access to Hunter’s laptop becomes yet another instance in a series of actions fueling suspicions of corruption within the DOJ.
A glaring contradiction surfaces as new reports reveal Biden’s prior statement asserting no discussion with his son about overseas business dealings. However, recent revelations indicate a meeting between Biden and the chairman of a Chinese energy firm Hunter sought to partner with, unfolding at the Four Seasons.
Journalist Miranda Devine sheds light on a crucial piece of evidence: the “H to Zang” letter dated March 22, 2016. Previously inaccessible, it has now been presented to the House Judiciary Committee by Hunter’s ex-partner, Rob Walker. The letter establishes a relationship with CEFC during Joe Biden’s vice presidency, contradicting the narrative that payments to Hunter and associates only occurred after Joe left office.
As the narrative unfolds, questions about the DOJ’s integrity persist. The allegations surrounding Biden’s conduct take a backseat to growing concerns about an institution meant to uphold justice appearing compromised. The spotlight intensifies on the need for transparency and accountability within the Department of Justice.
FLASHBACK: Joe Biden previously said “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings”
Today it’s reported that Biden met with the chairman of the Chinese energy firm Hunter sought to create a joint venture with at the Four
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) February 13, 2024
And here it is: the “H to Zang” letter from March 22, 2016. Was an attachment on Hunter Biden’s laptop previously inaccessible, but now it has been produced to the House Judiciary Committee by Hunter ex-partner Rob Walker. Shows the relationship with CEFC began during Joe Biden’s…
— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) February 13, 2024
BREAKING:💰'Joe Biden was more than a participant in and beneficiary of his family’s business; he was an enabler, despite being buffered by a complex scheme to maintain plausible deniability' — Tony Bobulinski, the BIG GUY's business partner, told investigators in his opening…
— Wendell Husebø (@WendellHusebo) February 13, 2024
h/t evern