The 22 Republicans who voted yes to a $96,000,000,000 foreign aid bill without a cent for America

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End Wokeness

70 Senators passed a $96,000,000,000 foreign aid bill
without a cent for America

The 22 Republicans who voted yes:

Sen. John Boozman
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito
Sen. Bill Cassidy
Sen. Susan Collins
Sen. John Cornyn
Sen. Kevin Cramer
Sen. Mike Crapo
Sen. Joni Ernst
Sen. Chuck Grassley
Sen. John Hoeven
Sen. John Kennedy
Sen. Mitch McConnell
Sen. Jerry Moran
Sen. Lisa Murkowski
Sen. James Risch
Sen. Mitt Romney
Sen. Mike Rounds
Sen. Dan Sullivan
Sen. John Thune
Sen.Thom Tillis
Sen. Roger Wicker
Sen. Todd Young

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