Texas Voters Give Resounding Approval to $18 Billion Property Tax Cut in November Election

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Texas voters overwhelmingly granted themselves a whopping $18 billion property tax cut while establishing dedicated funds to improve and expand state parks, prepare for future statewide water needs and extend the reach of broadband internet to the most remotes parts of the state, according to the unofficial election results Tuesday night.

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In all, voters were poised to approve 13 of the 14 proposed amendments to the state Constitution in an off-year election short on personalities and partisanship, but one that could have far-reaching implications for their bank accounts and quality of life.

Of all the proposals on Tuesday’s ballot, the tax cut was the centerpiece. Top-ranking elected officials were ebullient, claiming victory soon unofficial early returns showed racking up huge margins from nearly all regions of the state, even as final statewide results slowly trickled in from all Texas’ 254 counties.
