Taxpayer-funded indoctrination at work

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SURVEY: Less than one quarter of students have a positive view of capitalism.

A new survey from North Dakota State University found nationwide support among students for policing professors’ speech on “offensive” topics, and a staggering lack of support for capitalism among students.


Only 23% of students said that they had a “positive” view of capitalism.


When asked to define capitalism, over half (56%) of students across all political spectrums—liberal, conservative, and independent—say they associate it with the free market, and less than one-third (30%) associate it with cronyism, according to the survey.


While nearly half of conservative college students report having a positive view of capitalism, the number drops to 15% for liberal students. About 66% of conservatives who associate capitalism with the free market have a positive view of it, while 24% of liberals who associate it with the free market view capitalism positively.


It’s entirely possible that higher education as an industry destroys more intellectual value than it creates. In fact, I’d say it’s quite likely.


h/t Glenn