“The French riots are now spilling over into Switzerland, specifically in Lausanne.”
The French riots are now spilling over into Switzerland, specifically in Lausanne. pic.twitter.com/6EdDP2pRFY
— Russian Market (@runews) July 1, 2023
SWITZERLAND – French riots are contagious, last night they spread to Lausanne in Switzerland.
Many stores attacked and looted as rioters clashed with the police.
— Bernie's Voice. (@bernie_voice) July 2, 2023
New footage of last night's riots in Lausanne, Switzerland, appeared on social networks. pic.twitter.com/dZ540GjyJK
— Sprinter (@Sprinter99800) July 2, 2023
Switzerland a few nights ago near Zurich airport.
"At least 20 tanks passed by and it does not stop. Is it supposed to be a maneuver? What is going on?"
Is martial law coming to Switzerland next? What are they preparing for? Or are they getting ready to protect themselves from… pic.twitter.com/u9xkCLV49u
— Remnant Man (@remnantman1) July 2, 2023
h/t BFD