Supreme Court backs Texas law on illegal border crossings; Mexico condemns Texas law, refuses to accept deportations from the state.

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So, big news hit the headlines recently – the Supreme Court gave Texas the green light to enforce a new law aimed at tackling illegal border crossings from Mexico. But guess what? Mexico isn’t too thrilled about it.

Let’s break it down: Texas has this law that lets the police nab and detain folks crossing the border illegally. It was supposed to kick in earlier, but the Supreme Court hit the pause button for a bit to think it over.

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Now, Mexico’s not having any of it. They’re saying, “Nope, we won’t take back anyone Texas sends over.” Their top diplomat for North America straight-up rejected the Supreme Court’s decision, stating that immigration stuff should be sorted between nations, not states.

Mexico’s got some strong words against the Texas law. They’re worried it’ll tear families apart, trample on migrant rights, and create a nasty atmosphere for the millions of Mexican-origin folks in Texas.

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And here’s another twist: the U.S. pledged a whopping $5.8 billion in aid and investment for Central America and Mexico in 2024. Most of it, $4.8 billion, was earmarked for development in southern Mexico to boost security and create job opportunities. But now, with this border tension heating up, some are questioning the logic. After all, if they can’t stop folks from crossing into our country, why are we handing them money?


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