‘Strongest’ Solar Flare Since 2017 Detected

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(NEXSTAR) — A massive solar flare — the largest in years — was spotted on the sun on New Year’s Eve, sparking a warning to some high-frequency radio users.

In an update Sunday evening, NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) released an image of the flare, which appeared as a large, glowing spot on the sun. You can see that image below.

“A flare is an eruption of energy from the sun that generally lasts minutes to hours,” the SWPC explains. This one in particular, which peaked just before 5 p.m. ET on Sunday, was categorized as an X5 flare.

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The most significant solar flare since 2017 was spotted on the sun this New Year’s Eve.

Experts say people should not worry about massive blackouts due to the flares, given the resiliencies built into electrical grids, flights, and communication systems to prevent or diminish the impact.



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