Stewart Rhodes: Like in the Soviet Union. They put you on trial. They put you in a mental institution. That’s where we are now.

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Stewart Rhodes then broke this disturbing news.

The Biden regime sent Oath Keepers Attorney Kellye SoRelle to a mental hospital to keep her quiet.

Stewart Rhodes: Kellye SoRelle, the attorney for Oath Keepers. She sat with them (Liz Cheney’s J6 Committee), I believe, six different times for hours and hours and talked to them.

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Jim Hoft: What is her predicament now?

Stewart Rhodes: She’s been put in a mental institution run by the BoP (Bureau of Prisons)… Sadly, she’s been placed in a Bop mental facility. She’s been ruled incompetent to stand trial.

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Jim Hoft: Oh my God!

Stewart Rhodes: Like in the Soviet Union. They put you on trial. They put you in a mental institution. That’s where we are now.