Spring break chaos unfolds at Orange Crush event in Savannah, shocking videos reveal topless brawls and ocean litter. Despite the mayhem, officials praise the gatherings, prompting social media outrage.
Wild footage from spring break gathering along Savannah beach shows topless women fighting and mounds of trash being washed into the ocean | Daily Mail Online https://t.co/ehTHYpJCUs
— Nana1434 (@LeslieReneeCum1) April 22, 2024
— The Agent of Ultra Magadonia (@UltraMAGA_Frank) April 22, 2024
- Chaos erupted at the annual Orange Crush gathering in Savannah during spring break.
- Videos showed topless brawls and heaps of garbage washing into the ocean.
- The event, held on Tybee Island, featured violent fights and trash strewn along the coastline.
- Despite the chaos, officials praised the event, stating that everyone was getting along fairly well.