Scotland’s new hate crime law came into force today. Should this speech by First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf, be considered a hate crime?

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Sounds like every white Scottish person who heard that experienced a hate incident…

“Check if you’ve experienced a hate crime or hate incident

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If you’ve experienced a crime, it’s also a hate crime if you think the person’s behaviour was motivated by prejudice against you:

because of your race or religion
because of your sexuality
because you’re disabled
because you’re transgender…”

Scottish citizens should report it:

Reporting a hate crime or hate incident to the police

Scottish Labour Leader Anas Sarwar now being reported en masse, according to reports, due to this speech in the Scottish Parliament on the 11th of April 2020.

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The hilarity ensues when their own BS “laws” are used against them.

h/t ElleMira

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