Russian Drones Hit Ukrainian Danube River Ports Along The Romania Border

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Last night, Russian Doritos hit the Ukrainian Ports of Ismaili and Reni, located along the Danube River on the Romanian Border.

While they don’t seem to have caused much critical damage, the political ramifications are huge. If the Insurers start demanding War Risk Payments to transit the lower Danube, it could shut down water transit to a large part of Eastern Europe.

It also shows that the new Russian modified and produced Doritos have a much more dependable accuracy and range than the Iranian ones they were designed from.

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Start hitting those cans, and I’ll bet they make some nice Kaboom’s….

Another good video of one of the port hits.

More video closer to one of the hits.
It is obviously the larger Russian Produced Garen3???

h/t Flying Elvii