Remember, making ordinary people’s lives worse isn’t an unfortunate side effect of their policies. It’s the goal.

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‘The Era of Cheap Food Is Over’ Because…

…we need to go back to when agriculture was inefficient.

Good idea. There are too many proles anyway, right? Time to thin the herd.

See also  5 Reasons People CAN'T PAY THEIR BILLS!

Climate change hysteria is a magic force in the hands of an elite that has been preaching deindustrialization and mass culling of human beings since the early 1960s.

What was once a fringe movement led by the truly insane Club of Rome and Paul Ehrlich has gone mainstream, at least among the Leftists who are at the top of the social pyramid these days. The UN, WEF, IPCC, MSM, and of course the EU and the current President of the United States.

See also  Citizen Watch Report – February 2025 Fundraising [50% of Goal Reached]

Prosperity has way too much liberty to be allowed.

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