Relocating retirees want lower costs of living and better lifestyles. Moving abroad may be the answer

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  • As seniors aim to reduce living expenses and boost their quality of life, settling abroad could be appealing, financial experts say.
  • More than 450,000 retirees were receiving Social Security benefits outside the U.S. as of December 2023, up from fewer than 250,000 retirees in December 2003.
  • Retirees could save on housing and health care but need to consider several factors before moving overseas.
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Seniors looking to reduce expenses while also boosting their quality of life may find the idea of settling abroad appealing, financial experts say.

To that point, nearly one-third of retirees have relocated either domestically or outside the country after leaving the workforce, according to a new CNBC survey, which polled more than 6,600 U.S. adults in early August.

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Some of the top reasons for retiree moves were a lower cost of living, a more comfortable lifestyle or better weather, the survey found.