Quality of Life is Declining Sharply in Western Countries

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by Chris Black

Recent IPSOS polling (www.euronews.com/business/2023/11/26/one-in-four-europeans-say-their-financial-condition-is-precarious) found several concerning trends among the populations of Europe

30% of Europeans can no longer afford a “surprise expense”

47% of Europeans have had to turn down the heat in their homes and go cold, due to energy prices

37% of Europeans have had problems affording health treatment (medicines etc etc)

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48% of parents in Europe report skipping a meal in order to ensure their children are well fed.

These trends are not simply those which demonstrate longterm poverty in Europe, but a trend of rapid impoverishment.

Only 10% of Europeans are able to properly cope with food price inflation

German industrial output has been shrinking for months (www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-09/german-industry-shrinks-for-fourth-month-on-energy-construction), and Sweden is in recession.

See also  Viktor Orban explains the Soros-Cloward-Piven Strategy which is meant to collapse Countries with Unlimited Immigration.


The trends of war, mass migration, a neoliberal economic order and the mass-export of good jobs through financialization and a “service economy” are finally all catching up to other White countries.

The American White working class shriveled first, and now Europe’s is withering.

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