Plagues of bugs from Canadian fire infesting peoples hair and beards.

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The ten plagues of NYC! Horrified New Yorkers share clips of APHIDS burrowed in their hair and beards after Big Apple was hit by more Canadian wildfire smoke

Three weeks after choking smoke from Canadian wildfires enveloped the city – an infestation of tiny black flying bugs has plagued New York City

New Yorkers have been filming the swarm of tiny unidentified bugs which some have speculated could be of the pyrophilous, or ‘fire-loving’, species

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The tiny bugs have been getting caught in people’s hair and in some cases beards and arrived alongside another, lighter, bout of Canadian smoke

Tiny aphids have arrived alongside a lighter bout of Canadian wildfire smoke with horrified New Yorkers sharing clips of the insects burrowed in their hair.

Videos have been posted online at rapid fire to document the infestation with one man recording the bugs lodged in his beard.

Another frightened woman turned her head around to show how scores of the insects had embedded themselves in her hair.

h/t Coastie Patriot

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